A sprained ankle is a fairly common injury to which people who are active in sports are especially exposed. An ankle sprain occurs when the ligaments in the ankle joint are overstretched and damaged due to being forced into an unnatural position, under the weight of the body. A rarer, but especially more serious injury to the ankle joint is an ankle sprain , where the ligaments are stretched so much that they cannot hold the joint in its anatomical position. In this case, an externally visible deformation of the ankle joint occurs. Such a joint must either be mechanically or surgically restored to its natural position, and accompanying fractures often occur. If there is only damage to the ligaments, after repositioning the joint back to the anatomical position, it is a third-degree ankle sprain. Such an injury occurred in a 44-year-old man, whose case of treatment with Smrekovit products is documented below. Despite the fact that normal recovery from such an injury can take several months, after using Smrekovit products, this person was able to step on his feet in a controlled manner after one week , after two weeks he walked 1500 m without a limp , and after one month he was running several kilometers a day with intermediate running intervals (more below).
text: Matic Konc

Ankle sprain and severity of injury
The most common is the lateral sprain of the ankle, where the ankle joint turns inward and under the weight of the body there is a load and damage to the external ligaments of the ankle joint.
A much rarer form is the medial ankle sprain, where the ankle joint is turned outwards and the internal ligaments of the ankle joint are damaged.
Depending on the severity of the injury, ankle sprains are divided into several stages:
first-degree ankle sprain: a mild stretch of the ligament without tearing, accompanied by mild pain, swelling, and tenderness without bruising. The ankle joint is stable, the person can immediately put weight on the leg. Complete recovery even without the use of Spruce takes 1-3 weeks
ankle sprain of the second degree: partially torn ligaments accompanied by moderate pain and swelling, slight to moderate instability of the joint, weight bearing on the leg and walking is possible but very painful. Recovery at this stage takes about 3-6 weeks without Sprekovit
third degree ankle sprain: a severely torn or even torn ligament with severe pain, swelling and hematoma. The ankle joint is unstable and dysfunctional. Leg loading and walking are not possible. Recovery without Smrekovit can take several months. If the ligament is torn, surgery is also required. A third-degree ankle sprain also occurs when the ankle is sprained, if it is not accompanied by a fracture and the doctor places the sprained ankle back in its anatomical position.
With an extremely high load on the ankle joint , an ankle sprain can occur, where the ligaments are stretched so that the ankle joint moves out of its anatomical position. An ankle sprain is often accompanied by a fracture of one or more parts of the ankle bone. If no fractures occur, after repositioning the joint back to the anatomical position, it is a third degree ankle sprain.
When treating injuries, the doctrinal method of combatting them with the RICE method (rest, ice, compression, elevation) is not a good idea, and the same applies to an ankle sprain. Spruce resin, on the other hand, works in the exact opposite way to cooling. When cooling with ice, we slow down the healing process because we reduce the permeability of the vessel walls and thus prevent the inflammatory process, which is intended to heal the injury. The swelling that accompanies a sprained ankle is smaller in this case, but the treatment time is significantly longer. Spruce resin, on the other hand, stimulates the migration of immune cells to the site of injury and significantly shortens the course of treatment. This is why sometimes a reaction in the form of stronger pain occurs in the first few days, as the inflammation reaches its peak more quickly, and then begins to subside.
An example of ankle sprain treatment with Sprekovit Klasik after repositioning

In the case that will be described below, a 44-year-old , sports-active man sprained his ankle. The man jumped in November 2018 and injured his right ankle upon landing. He is brought to the emergency ward by ambulance. On admission to the emergency unit, the ankle joint is visibly deformed and strongly out of anatomical position (diagnosis: luxatio ATC dex.). In the clinic, his ankle is mechanically pulled back into the anatomical position and prepared for surgery (usually minor fractures occur in such injuries). Since the X-ray images do not show a fracture, the operation is abandoned and a non-walking plaster cast is installed. After discharge to home care, the person replaces the plaster cast with an immobilization boot.

He puts a Spruce pad on his ankle under the immobilization boot every day, smeared with Sprekovit Klasik (note: the same or even greater effect would be achieved with Smrekovit 365 spruce cream). He has it installed all the time, and he cleans it twice a day.
The course of recovery after treatment with Spruce veneer and Spruce Classic is as follows:
after one week, he steps on his leg without a brace and takes a few steps around the apartment
on the fourteenth day after the injury he walks 1500 m without limping .
After one month, he walks several kilometers a day without any problems, with running intervals of a few tens of meters
The entire course of recovery

You can read the full report below:
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